Why learning is always a new feeling?

More into 'Why learning it is always new or feels new to us?'

Biggest limitation and yet the most exciting thing for the living being is that its brain can not store every bit information (it does stores a lot though) and can't pass on every information it has accumulated over the years to its offs rings. Some people are lucky though to do so. So, every time a new brain is born the process of learning starts and as one ages there is decline in the memory so the new way to retain the minimum information for survival starts (can be related to the mental exercises of the old age home).   

Below are certain pointers that ignites the need to continue to learn.

  1. Continuous Knowledge Expansion as the development in Science and Technology continues: The body of human knowledge is always growing. New discoveries in science, technology, and other fields continually provide fresh information to learn.

  2. We are Evolving and will continue to do so till this planet is habitable: As societies change, so do cultural, social, and ethical perspectives. Learning helps individuals adapt to these changes by understanding new viewpoints and paradigms.

  3. Technological advancements that enabled use of learning tools for knowledge acquisition and retention: With rapid technological advancements, new tools, platforms, and methodologies emerge, necessitating ongoing learning to stay current and proficient.

  4. We grow when we realise the need for it: Individuals evolve over time, and their learning needs change accordingly. What was once relevant may no longer be, and new interests and goals require the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. This is their 'need' based 'personal growth'.

  5. Problem-Solving and Innovation: New challenges and problems arise continuously, requiring innovative solutions. Learning equips individuals with the ability to tackle these challenges effectively.

  6. Need because there is more Global Interconnectivity than ever before: Increased global interaction introduces people to diverse cultures, languages, and practices, providing opportunities for new learning experiences.


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