
Showing posts from August, 2024

How Training and Developing skills are different?

Training and Developing skills are related yet very different. Training is done more for professional growth and performance improvement. Whereas developing skills is inclusive of personal and professional growth. Comparison below gives us a better understanding of these two.  Trainings  are time bound and structured learning pattern. They are planned and sometimes repetitive and typically conducted in a formal setting. Of course now a days we have multiple forms of training and are named the way they are delivered. Like offline, online, classroom, workshop, outbound etc. Trainings are mostly guided by an instructor online or offline. Also, sometimes they are curriculum based in an academic centric society. Depending on the industry there can be multiple training topics. Broadly they are categorised into technical and non-technical trainings. And, no business can sustain without these in the long-run. Developing Skill  is broader and a more of a continuous process that involves not onl